Monday, May 12, 2008


Good morning from a chilly Apex.

With the state of the economy, we need to go to extra lengths to save. Here are a few tips:

1. Use a piggy bank: This may sound too simple, but saving your change every day in a piggy bank can give you $20 to $50 at the end of the month without too much effort. Deposit this into your savings account.

2. Automatic deduction: Have your employer deduct money from your paycheck and deposit it directly into a savings account.

3. Plan your purchases: If the offer is 'valid only for today', then it's not worth buying. If you can't have the time to plan and budget for a purchase, don't buy it.

4. Use the tax rebate, any tax refund or money left over at the end of the month and deposit in a high-yield savings account or an IRA.

5. Saving here and there: Cut down on restaurant trips and all those small expenses, like coffee or ice-cream while out. Saving $4.00 here and $10.oo there adds up! These savings can be used for upcoming summer outings.

Happy saving!

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